350 Main Brasserie is a high-end restaurant located in Park City, Utah, renowned for hosting the annual Sundance Film Festival. The restaurant marked its 20th year in business in 2016 and has enjoyed moderate success. Situated on the main street of town, it offers a captivating blend of bold cuisine in a warm and inviting setting.
The concept aims to preserve the essence of the brand while evolving the visual language into something more sustainable and readable. This approach takes into account the restaurant's offerings, cuisine style, architectural features, and the socialite culture of Park City.

My Role
Brand Strategist, Graphic Designer, Editorial Designer
Brand Concept
In discussions with the client, there was an adamant request to preserve the essence of the logo intact, indicating that a full redesign was not part of the plan. The majority of the furniture, signage, and even trademark documentation featured the original logo as integral 'artistic' pieces meant to be preserved. Consequently, the rebranding concept involved a 'lifting' approach—aiming to enhance readability and provide a more modern feel without deviating from the original intention.
As for the visual language of the brand, the artistic traits and painting-like vibe inspired the concept of leveraging the expressive nature of cooking, showcased in dish decorations and art pieces within the venue. However, there was a need to strike a balance between the old and the new. The textures and the high-contrast color scheme were integral elements of this concept, to be applied across various brand applications.
Specifically, the ornamental drips extensively used by the restaurant chefs served as the thread connecting the visual language across various elements, providing a sense of ownership to the staff.

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